Title: Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light
Author: Tanya Huff
Summary: Rebecca is a mentally retarded young woman who can see the the fairies. One day, Alexander, one of said wee folk, is killed, thus setting off a chain of events that will require Rebecca and her friends, including Roland, a street musician, Daru, a social worker, and Evan, adept of the Light, to save the world against the forces of darkness.
The Good: This was the kind of book I absolutely couldn't stop reading. The storytelling is excellent, and Huff draws wonderfully likeable characters. Plus, there was a moment when I actually gasped out loud, something that rarely happens to this cynical reader. I liked how Huff treated Rebecca, demonstrating a compassion for the mentally disabled and not glossing over the stuff she has to deal with. There were also issues relating to a character's sexuality that I thought were handled well.
The Bad: God, that plot. When I wasn't reading the book, I remembered that I've read millions of different versions of this plot told a million different ways. I also felt that Huff meandered quite a bit, and I lost the feeling of suspense and foreboding she kept trying to evoke. Also, I thought the way she resolved things kind of sucked. But did I mention I loved reading this book? Because I forgive her for the lack of tightness in plot and the horrible ending because she made me care about the characters.
Overall: I give this one an A-. If only the plot weren't so cliched, it'd be a lot higher of a grade. Definitely a good book for people who like urban fantasy.