Jul 29, 2008 04:11
Welcome to (X) land, Population Me...or you..or her..or, whatevs...has become lately my favorite expression..
Welcome to fatty land, population me
welcome to I'm old and I fucked up my back, population me.
or, the one I fid myself using the most, cuz really the ONLY way I"ve found to be a vegan and not just...piss people off, (cuz, really, my deciison to not eat meat is a threat to the American Way of Life???)..is to be really stunningly self-mocking and acknowledge the ...out-thereness-of what you're doing, and make a lot of jokes at your own expense (this also gets waiters/cooks/your peeps on your side, when you are forced to do things like order "a chicken fajita salad. with no chicken. and no cheese. Basically, can I have a bowl of lettuce. With salsa? yeah, that'ed be great, thanks") ..wows, I got so lost in my asides there, I forgot where I was going...
oh, yes. (and as a further aside, wows was initially a typo, but I like it. I shall begin saying that soon.
Welcome to hippy land, population me.
but for, now at 4:15 Am, which is officially to late to go back to sleep, and too early to be up and/or make coffee, I am in insomnia land.
Which means, for you, that should be a vaquely amusing post.
I painted my nails
So, apparently, Shia Le Bouf (or, as I like to think of him, Thank God for Beef!) got arrested for DUI, and he fucked up his hand in the process. Now, drunk driving is a scumbag thing to do, ESP when you're rich enough to hire a driver. There has (have? has? this is a tough one, esp on NO FUCKING SLEEP AT ALL) there have been been nights..fuck it, I"m going w/ have....that I"ve blurrily begged friends to "don't let me drink the cab money" ...or walked home...or went to The Drunk Wrangler's house.....But I can say, of all the scum bag things I"ve ever done in my entire life..and just, you know, for posterity? I've done some pretty scumbag things....So, young handsome (though as sexually attractive as I find him, it's really hard to imagine screaming out, oh Shia!...though, depending on how good the universe has been to him, it could bring a entirly new meaning to Thank God for Beef!!!)...
dammit, I got lost in my own asides again.
Must Focus...
ok, drunk driving. Total fucking scumbag move. Get a cab. Hire a driver. Call your fucking mom. There is so fucking excuse EVER to drunk drive. EVER.
Having said that, according to an ariticle on imdb.com (which is 1. like the god of movie interweb sites, and 2. a lot more dependable, if marginally less amusing, then perezhilton. and only marginally. if they would just draw penises on everything[one sometimes must wonder if perez is related to the character in superbad who got in trouble when he was a kid cuz her drew cocks on everything {"You know what kind of foods are cock shaped? The BEST kind!}]) The person he was involved in the accident w/ told an interviewer that He (the dude, not TGfB) told TGfB he (TGfB, wow..this sentence is getting incredably out of control, maybe I should look up the dude's name) should run away, and TGfB said, to paraphrase, "no, I fucked up, I'lll stay and deal w/ it"
Now, this does not mitigate the scumbaggary of the drunk driving in any way, shape, or form. However, it takes a pretty decent dude..esp a rich, drunk dude...to stand there and say, "that was a scumbag move. But I did it"
I hope he gets punished for drunk driving. And I hope he learns from it. and please, TGfB, don't ever do it again
The Dark Knight. see it. Now.
You know, Bill O'Reilly is all "oh the new movie "W" is so evil and shit" but if I was Barbara Bush, but I'd be awful glad the chick playing her looks a lot better than Barbara Bush. I"m just sayin. Though I do agree w/ the talking head that the trailer looks pretty god damn bad.
Sleep is over rated, anyway.
What the FUCK is a "Cowboy Philosopher"?