Jun 17, 2008 07:58
is what I reached at trivia last night. I was starving, and did not want a bean burger or veggie sandwich. No, what I wanted was one of those bigger than your head salads, the ones that are probably just as bad for you as as a double meat double cheese cheeseburger, but we are tricked into some false sense of healthful living and wise choices because the bowl of meat and cheese and fatty fatty dressing is a "salad." Yeah, that's what I wanted.
So, I ordered a chicken fajita salad. W/ no chicken. or sour cream. or cheese.
basically...I ordered a bowl of fajita grilled vegetables, w/ lettuce and chips.
and quacamole. lots and lots of quacamole. and lots and lots of salsa.
and you know what?
It was FUCKING delicious. I"m not sure how muchof my salad rapture is based on just how hungry I was, (and I was hungry! More on that later) or the fabulousness of the salad itself, or that at that point in the game, our trivia team was DOMINATING, (it didn't last, by the end of the Corey Haim/Corey Feldman round and the sports round, we went from the domanting to the dominated), or that I was just feeling really good, had an awesome run (1.5 miles!!!!) or what, but that was the BEST god damn salad I've put in my mouth in a very long time. I didn't even mind (too much) the absence of cheese.
so, hunger. As I do have asperitions of at some point moving this blog to a more searchable accessable site, to provide entertainment and informal information to those attempting Adventures in Veganism (tm) I would like to address this issue. Please, if you do surf in her while looking for vegan info, remember that this is informal info only. The nifty thing about getting pretty much nothing but whole grains, (except for the occasional sandwich bun or french bread, I avoid white flour products, even if they do pass the incredient test)and vegetables (and of course beans and tofu) is that you can eat and eat and eat. I ate that salad last night till I though my pants would stretch. Not that I support over eating to the point of discomfort, but sometimes, your brain needs that even if your body doesn't, and if you're doing it w/ healthy (not cake or french fries, etc)veggies and stuff, you can pretty much do it w/ impunity, (there may be some side effects, a blog which I also intend to write in the spirit of informing the folk, just as sure as I can bring myself to). The problem is this....like the old chestnut about chinese food, which I've never found to be true, 30 minutes later, your hungry again. My semi-educated guess is that meat and cheese take longer to break down and digest, while veggies break down easily. Whole greins, break down slowly, but I being a diabetic, I have to limit the intake of those, too. So, be prepared for hunger. Bring fruit, or soy jerky, or something.Cuz you will get hungry, if you're doing this right.
In news of things other than what I've been eating; the summer procedes. The elder son is doing well at boot camp, the younger son continues to enjoy his Summer of Sloth.
I"m doing summer stages again this year. Summer stages is the local community theaters summer project. Instead of a whole play, we do individual scenes from different plays as a sort of work shop activity. I'm playing 3 very short scenes from "the last of red hot lovers"--I'm playing 3 different woman that this dude tries to hook up w/, so that is gonna be funny, and a real challange to develop 3 very distinct characters--a middle aged woman who is kind of sexually agressive, a stoner hippie chick, and another middle aged woman who is depressed beyond all reason.
Reading: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Watching: Nothing
Wishing: I didn't have to go to the grocery store today
The Golden Thong goes to: TK
A Brick in a Stocking to the Head of: the fuckers who gave away our table because "regulars" get there at 5 to claim tables. Check your stats, bitches! We ARE regulars.
So, in other news