Doctor Who Episode Opinions So Far IV: New Who Season 4

Feb 02, 2009 22:05

Now season 4...

Voyage of the Damned: Grr. It was the Poseiden Adventure on a ship named Titantic. Only the Heavenly Hosts evil angels were worthwhile with their projectile halos. Poseiden (original with Gene Hackman) even had a fat woman like Foon that everyone worried was too fat. I didn't even like Astrid (Kylie) that much. I did like Alonso, but I felt he deserved the Earth retirement, not the stupid "Earth historian." Dumb.

Partners in Crime: It felt like a dumb show. Look, Doctor and Donna keep missing each other. Oooh, evil fat babies as villains. I felt like I was in the 1950s. I did like the show between Doctor and Donna and the door/window. Funny. Miss Foster was Supernanny meets Anne Robinson. I didn't feel bad that she died.

The Fires of Pompeii: Didn't like the rock creatures, but Donna's humanity was touching. And the Doctor fighting them with a water gun really was priceless. I loved how the Doctor changed the family by saving them (well, Donna I should say), as even the son was now a hard working medical student.

Planet of the Ood: First of all Tim McInnery from Black Adder! *squee* I didn't even care that he got turned into an Ood. I liked the Ood before in season 2, and I like how the writers finally explored the slavary aspect. They were being lobotomized! Great twist, and I love the song.

The Sontaran Strategem: Any episode with Martha back was a plus. Also, she's moved on and is engaged, and I love how well she and Donna got on. ATMOS is evil. Of course aliens would exploit our desire to go green.

Poison Sky: Go Sylvia for saving gramps with the axe! Martha's clone was sad to see die. Freema did some great acting there. And a bonus trip with Martha! I was p.o.ed that Ross died, though. I'm with the Doctor, I liked him. A lot.

The Doctor's Daughter: I grew to like Jenny, even after she trapped Martha with the Hath. The Doctor's distraction with a toy mouse was great! Why was that in his pocket? I loved Martha's storyline with the Hath--they were better than the humans. When the Hath died to save Martha from the tar pit, I cried. Good job, writer. No more Martha, but it was a nice three episode run, Freema.

The Unicorn and the Wasp: My favorite episode from this season. Agatha Christie on a murder investigation before Miss Marpole or Murder on the Orient Express. Gareth Roberts delivered another strong literary episode. I loved the colonel in the wheelchair. "How did you know?" "Actually, I had no idea. I was going to say you are completely innocent." Way to go Aggie. A++

Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead: Thanks Moffat for making me afraid of the dark again. Vashta Neratu are one scary villain that you can't even see. Poor Miss Evangelista, Proper Dave, Other Dave, and Anita. Especially Anita. River Song? Will she come back for a special? Was she the Doctor's wife? I'm curious. Lee was real! When he called out to Donna, my heart leapt into my throat. Why can't they be together? The library set was beautiful, also. (a bit off-topic but whatever)

Midnight: No Donna, so that was a bit upsetting for me. However,  it's a typical case of the panice-enduced scapegoat game. A true psychological thriller that actually reminds me of Christie's And Then There Were None or Ten Little Indians. I can't believe "Sky" and the Doctor could speak in synch like that. "Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, TARDIS." I can't believe we never found out the hostess's name.

Turn Left: I loved this. Donna saved the Doctor in Runaway Bride, and hence has saved the world several times. Without the Doctor, the Titanic from Voyage of the Damned would have blown up London. Without him, Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper of Torchwood would have died stopping the Sontarans and their clone gas, and Jack would have been transported to the Sontaran home world. *tear* I love team Torchwood. Also, people would have died from the Adipose. Horrors. Great episode with kick-ass Rose.

The Stolen Earth/Journey's End: Daleks! Yes. With Davros stealing the Earth. Plus, we found the lost moon of Poosh, the Adipose breeding planet, and a few others that were missing. Plus, we got Torchwood and the Sarah Jane adventures involved, and Rose, Mickey, and Jackie came from the parallel world. Doctor, Doctor 2, and Doctor!Donna was great. Donna twirling the Daleks around (Help me! Help me!) reminded me of my remote control Dalek. *smirks* I saw a brief K9! Daleks speaking German! Rose getting her own Doctor (still not sure if I like or dislike this). One major complaint: Torchwood got the shaft. Ianto: Well, Gwen, Tosh saved us with this program that traps us in the hub. Good. Now BBC won't have to pay us for the second episode. Gwen: Shit. We watch Torchwood for more than Captain Jack, BBC and RTD. I prefer Ianto and Gwen to Jack most of the time. *scowl*  On the other hand, maybe Mickey can replace Tosh on Torchwood. And Martha? I love Martha!

donna, jack, season four, episodes, torchwood, rose, doctor who, martha, daleks

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