+ Unpacked kitchen
+ Unpacked dining room
+ Organized storage containers in basement
+ Put together bed in 2nd bedroom and rearranged furniture
+ Laundry
+ Got rid of THREE things on FreeCycle. It was kindof exciting. I'd never done that before. Now, I have about 6 more boxes of stuff to get rid of. Declutter!!!
+ LOVE the house
+ FINISH homework. (Almost done!!!!)
+ Gosh, I didn't really cook any of the stuff I planned to. I guess I still need to do that.
+ Spring mix salad with spring onions, carrots, pepper, raisin, goat cheese, croutons and balsamic vinaigrette x 2
+ That's all so far.
+ I procrastinated school work with unpacking.
+ Didn't even turn on the tv today.
+ Eat Pray Love. Read a bit this morning. The god talk starting getting to me again. I'm finally to the part where she is in Bali.
+ Red wine.