May 16, 2007 00:16
So I've bought more DVDs. I can't seem to stop.
A Little Princess, The Ten Commandments and The Secret Garden are in the mail from Amazon. (Hodgson fangirl and CAST OF THOUSANDS!)
And then, today I go into the 7-11 on Douglas with Ruth. Haven't been in a 7-11 in ages.
They sell DVDs now???
So I got The Brothers Grimm SOLEY because of Monica Bellucci/"Sylvia" (thanks, Brandi. Thanks.)
And Snakes on a Plane.
I hate snakes. Hate 'em. Don't even want to watch the movie. But--Snakes on a Plane, people!
Also bought a raspberry smoothie. Sadly, I always think I'll like raspberry flavoured things because I like raspberries.
Raspberry-FLAVOURING always, ALWAYS has all the wooden and pointless little seeds and an almost metallic and saccharine aftertaste, and none of the fuzzy-syrupy-on-tongue charm of REAL raspberries.
coconut hate