Review for Merlin 5x06: The Dark Tower. Spoilers of course
Okay yes. I know. We’ve been told that Merlin is going darker with every passing season, and it’s not like this season has been exactly touchy feel and stuff.
But whoa.
Episode Summary
It’s like there were two parts to this episode, one distinctly grown up and fun to watch and one that was typically……Merlin.
The concept of the Impenetrable Forest and the Dark Tower - not to mention the sudden appearance of Queen Mab - is something right out of the Sword and Sorcery romps of the first season of Merlin. I’m not saying that it didn’t fit into the episode - I mean if you’re going to have a place called The Dark Tower from which no-one has ever returned,(though that of course raises questions about how anyone knows about it) then of course you need to make it difficult to get too. But still.
Oh and tally of the number of times Arthur has rode off taking all of Camelot’s senior commanders with him and presumably leaving Gaius and Geoffrey of Monmouth in charge? Five billion six thousand four hundred and nine.
On the other hand the bits within the Dark Tower were straight out of a psychological thriller. Mixing cruelty with kindness is a perfect way to throw someone off their game and make them doubt what is true, and the use of the mandrake route was particularly effective.
I’ll be interested to see where this goes next week, especially as Gwen now appears to be Miss Evil McEvil.
Yes Merlin. There’s the morally supportive, manservant I’ve missed. The handshake with Arthur at the beginning warmed my heart. It’s very rare we get to see these two interacting with each other in any meaningful manner. It’s nice to see it happen as a reminder that they really do care for each other.
It’s also nice to get a reminder that Merlin wields some pretty big magical oomph. Enough to get him recognition from characters like Mab. Though why he didn’t use his magic to get them out of the forest earlier I don’t even know.
Arthur (and Others)
Arthur really loves Gwen doesn’t he? I mean I know some people complain that there was really no character development there, but watching this episode and seeing the determination and grief Arthur was feeling really showed that they do love each other. Arthur. He does have a heart beneath all that brawn.
As for Gwen. Oh Boy. This is going to be fun. Bets on it being mind control?
And Eleyan. We hardly knew ye. You were really more of a background knight. But I’m sad to see you go anyway.
The Bad Guy
Hah. Morgana won for once. That makes a nice change.
Though was I the only one to feel a bit sympathetic towards this episode? I mean I knew she was probably putting it on to confuse Gwen but still.
She may be evil but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get lonely.
Well. We’re going to have to wait and see how this pans out aren’t we
Next Week: Evil!Gwen is Evil.