I loved this episode...Merlin didn't bother me--he's just obsessed with protecting Arthur. I'd say there were some really beautiful moments for him, like him meeting The Key (both scenes), and especially his scene with Aithusa--such a range of emotions in such a short span: from dragon lord authority, to puzzlement, to pity and longing to help it. I really REALLY like the actor who's playing Mordred (though I do miss Hugo...er...Asa). Everything in me is screaming, "DON'T TRUST HIM!!" (I gasped at his knighting!), but this actor is being so wonderfully multi-layered that it's hard not to believe he's a good guy, that he's "changed", as Gaius said. If only Mordred really WERE an ally. What an interesting situation for Merlin--now there's someone in Camelot who KNOWS exactly who he is, who has promised to keep his magic secret, who, in another universe *could* have been a good friend to Merlin. But we all know (as does Merlin no doubt) that nothing good will come of Arthur welcoming Mordred into his inner circle. So I'm very intrigued to see how all of this plays out. Oh, and I agree with you completely re: Gwen. And the creepy weird alien conehead. Can't wait til next week! :-) <>
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