Review for Merlin 5x01 Arthur's Bane, Part One. There will be spoilers.
So here we are again. Another season of Merlin. Another season of Merlin saving everyone’s skin and then getting the micky taken five minutes later. Though based on tonight’s episode, things may have changed a bit in Camelot.
My issues with Merlin aside, it is nice to see it back, and it adds something to the autumn evenings, now Doctor Who is gone.
Episode Summary
Those of you who have read my reviews before know that I’m usually not a big fan of the first parts of two part episodes. I tend to think they get bogged down in setting up stuff for the second part, leaving us with a week till the pay off.
This episode both confirmed and subverted that procedure.
On the one hand, I liked seeing what Camelot is like now that Arthur has been king for a while - thank you expositiony dialogue for telling us how much time has passed - and it seems that Arthur has done quite a good job, if that talk about three years of prosperity is anything to go by. Though I do wonder how much that has to do with Gwen.
It was also nice to see the character progression between the main characters. Despite still taking the mickey on a daily, it’s clear that Arthur really does care about Merlin and want him to be safe, especially given his actions towards the end of the episode. And my my hasn’t Gwen come a long way since her days as Morgana’s maid servant?
On the other hand, not much actually, happened in this episode, other than the appearance of Suddenly Grown Up Mordred. We know that Morgana is looking for something, which probably has something to do with Gawain’s new best friend. But what she was looking for exactly was not explained.
I guess that’s for next week.
We all know that at times Merlin can get a little annoyed with Arthur, which is totally understandable, considering how he’s treated most of the time. But never once has his loyalty to his king or the love he has for him ever been in doubt.
That didn’t change in this episode. Merlin was wearing his advisor hat, more than his magician hat this episode, and it was clear that after seeing the vision of Arthur’s future he was un-nerved. He has invested a lot in Arthur’s future, and wants to see it come to past.
It certainly seems that Merlin has grown up in the last four seasons. From bumbling man servant to caring and wise advisor.
Arthur (and Others)
Arthur is still displaying the same loyal and self-sacrificial nature towards his men that he has always displayed, but something about this episode and the way Arthur was played by Bradley James certainly makes it seem that he is now older. Not just in years, but also in experience and wisdom. We don’t know what type of King, Arthur has been but I suspect it has been a good one.
I’m not even bothered about his riding out after people this episode, because it is clear that Gwen has everything under control. It’s nice to see that she hasn’t lost any of her love and compassion for the common people, but it is also obvious that she is not a Queen to be crossed.
Gwen/Morgana show down please.
The Bad Guy
Hello Morgana, how’s things. I see you have yourself a castle and an army/harem now? What you go planned? You’re not going to tell. Fine. Be like that.
And Mordred. Oh my mythology senses are tingling. This is not going to be good. I mean very not good.
Arthur’s Bane indeed.
As a set up for next week, and as a re-introduction to the character this was a good episode. Looking forward to next week already.
Next Week: That looks, cold.