Great Big Meh.

Sep 19, 2012 11:06

Sometimes I really hate my brain, and my inablity to do social things properly. I'm not sure why it is but the things that come easily to...everyone I guess I just can't do. It's why I'm much more comfortable on the internet, because at least then I have time to think things through so I don't come off sounding like a total idiot. But when I'm with people? Nope. Just can't do it.

And I hate that this stops me from doing things, important things. Like right now. Normally when you like someone and their single, you just ask them out right? You take a chance and if they say no, then fine. At least you tried. But I can't do that. I just can't. I'm just stuck anaylsing everything and talking myself out of it because "obviously she's going to say no, because why would she say yes." This is why I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up alone. And I'm so tired of it.

There's no really point to this post other than I need to just rant and get it all out of my system and just.....Meh.

Great big MEH!!!!

life, relationships, me

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