Hey All.

May 17, 2012 21:42

Hey all.

Yes I am still alive. Sorry for the lax updating. Most of my blog updating recently seems to have been over at my other blog. Thoughts from the Fourth Estate (shameless plug). I do feel a little bad but as I updating that one helps my degree I don't feel very guilty.

I am now back from my first year of University something which I find odd beyond belief. Where did the year go? It barely feels as if any time at all has passed sinced I moved into halls back in September of last year and now 99% of my stuff is back here. I have left a little back in Cheltenham which I'm intending to visit at least once more before the lease on my room is up at the end of June.

I've loved Uni. I really have. I've made some friends, learnt some stuff about myself and - I think - learned how to do social. Which is quite an achievement I can tell you!!. I'm looking forward to getting back there for second year in September.

So what am I doing now? Mostly reading, watching DVD's, watching the political scene - both here and in the US. Seriously US Republicans, what's going on? - and brushing up on my German after letting it die for a couple of years. I also have a very busy summer planned with two Scripture Union holidays and a Wedding.

I promise to try and update more over the coming months. Maybe some more fic or something.

And I'm glad to be back.

life, uni, politics

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