Happy Birthday to Me

Sep 20, 2011 00:39


I'm officially two decades old. Twenty. The Big Two Oh or what ever you want to call it.

Seen a lot of changes in those twenty year. Seen the Spice Girls come and go, David Beckhams career hit the stratosphere, witnessed a Royal Wedding,  watched the economy rise and fall and three successive Prime Ministers pass through the doors of Number Ten.

In the last ten years I've seen this country get invovled in two wars in the middle east (only one of which I agree with),  a Coalition Government come to power for the first time since the War and an African-American become a President of the USA. I've survived Cancer.

Quite a pair of decades.

I like to think I've made some friends and become a better person. But that's for others to decide.

Here's to the next decade and the next stage of the game.

life, birthdays, me

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