So. Earlier this week Dover Christ Church Academy mutinied over proposed changes to the lunch schedual. Three hundred students walked out of class in protest leaving only some Year Elevens to side with the Headmaster.
Now I'm a politics and history student so mutinies, revolutions and coups interest me. Now assuming this hadn't been organized via Facebook, here's how I think a spontanious revolt could have worked.
1: Start off with the Food Tech guys. This is where news of a change to the lunch rota is most likely to filter through. Food is the topic of the day after all. They walk out.
2: They are closely followed by the Resistant Materials (Metal and Woodwork) and Graphics students who will be nearby and easy to inform and get involved.
3: The Arts and Music crowd get involved feeling sympathy for their artistic graphics breathern.
4: The sports jocks arrive (bringing the weaponry) tempeted by the number of attractive girls in the Art and Music crowd.
5: By this stage it's beginning to become obvious. The English Mob swing into action seeing the possibility of insipration for their next play or the school newspaper.
6: The Maths Geeks arrive. We have a big crowd. This is a good chance to conduct a survey.
7: The History and Politics crew show up. This is A: History and B: A chance to see Democracy in action. They are usually the same people anyway.
9: The Economics guys show up. They want to know what effect this might have on the school economy or the budget.
10: Finally the Sociology and Psychology gang arrive, the former because a crowd is always interesting to a sociologist and the latter because this a chance to anyalyse a riot which makes great coursework. They are followed by the Media Heavys who have no where else to go and think they might be able to film this.
And hey presto. The whole school is out in protest. Except for the Science Geeks who had to stay behind to watch their bunsen burners and the Teachers Pets who are probably the Year Elevens who supported the Head.
Of course I'm joking. But the story is serious. And I would have loved to be part of it.