I'm so very, very sorry ...

Oct 26, 2011 22:23

I promise with all my heart, I had intended to write reviews of Supernatural  for however many seasons the show ran. I love the show unreservedly, even when I criticize its scripts or execution, and it still remains the only show I absolutely refuse to miss every week. I am invested in it, heart and soul, and don't see that changing, period.

Unfortunately, however, I have also finally been forced to admit there are just not enough hours in the day for me to combine my full-time (and very intellectually demanding) job, my determination to start my own fledgling part-time voiceover business (into which I intend to retire full-time in 400 days, effective at 16:00 Eastern time on November 30, 2012), and blogging a review every week on Supernatural . I simply can't maintain the commitment to write a review/meta every week as I did in years past. And that is killing me. I want to write -- damn, I'm full of ideas and words, not to mention passion -- but I just don't have the spare 16 to 20 or so hours it took every week for me to write my coherent commentary, however desperately much I want to do it.

Any time I DO have the chance to write, I will post what I come up with -- but there is simply no way I can do what I've done from the start of season two, which was to provide a review every week. I feel so torn, because I truly WANT to write -- but something has to give, and this is the only truly voluntary thing there is.

I am more sorry than words can express, but I have to concede that I simply can't do weekly commentaries any more. I know you can understand, and will be supportive, and that kills me, too; I hate failing people as much as Dean does, I swear. I just don't see any way out of this trap, not if I'm going to build my safety net for early retirement.

I am so, so sorry to let you all down. I love Supernatural  and being a part of the Supernatural  fandom world through writing weekly reviews; giving it up feels like failure, and that is emphatically NOT something I'm accustomed to. Alas, I just don't see any way to win this particular game, not unless I let something I love go. I wish I could dump the full-time job instead, but that's not exactly an option at the moment, I'm afraid.

So, my most earnest and abject apologies. I hope with everything I've got that Supernatural  will extend to an 8th season, because once I trade the Fed for a voiceover life at the end of November next year, I should be able to spend my time as I wish, rather than simply as I must. Until then, however, I have to do what preserves my future.

I promise I'll be here as I can, but I fear that won't be nearly as much as I wish. And for that, I grieve, and apologize.



real life, episode commentaries, supernatural university, supernatural

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