4.13 After School Special: I’m Looking For The Brutal, Funny, Maybe Even Painful Truth

Feb 03, 2009 20:01

4.13 After School Special: I’m Looking For The Brutal, Funny, Maybe Even Painful Truth

Ghost high school bully
Drives nerds to revenge on jocks;
Sam sees with new eyes.

Read the rest ... )

jared padalecki, episode commentaries, supernatural university, jay gruska, jensen ackles, dean winchester, sam winchester, supernatural, meta

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Comments 43

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bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:25:06 UTC
Thank you!


historylover29 February 4 2009, 01:55:54 UTC
As always, beautiful meta ( ... )


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:27:03 UTC
Thank you! I agree (obviously) that there was a lot to be seen in this episode. My issues were minor, compared to the goodness.

Hopefully Sam takes something away from those whitewashed memories--actions that seem right at one time can have long-term, devastating consequences.

Word to that, Kat.


morganslady February 4 2009, 02:45:44 UTC
Thanks for another excellent meta..
I thought it was interesting how this episode showed Sammy as the hero and Dean as a lonely young man.

When I saw the ' in memory' dedication at the end of the credits, I thought- death comes in threes. My condolences to the families.

You are absolutely correct in your statement " the show’s credits tell only part of the story", I'd like to add my thanks to the crew,stage hands,office workers,etc who work tirelessly to produce a top rate show.


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:28:43 UTC
Thank you! I loved the flip from what we would have expected to see ... and indeed saw, in the beginning.

I wish that I could wish our Supernatural family well in person! I've done it in cards and letters, but it's not the same ...


roguebitch February 4 2009, 03:26:42 UTC

Wonderful meta, as always!

I really didn't like the part where teenaged Dean justified himself to Amanda. I can't see Dean feeling the need to justify what he does or who he is to *anyone*. It just rang really false to me.

Colin Ford really nailed Sammy, though, and that was a delight to watch.


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:32:53 UTC

On rewatching, I found it easier to accept Dean's outburst, remembering that he was a lot younger then than now, with less well-built walls and a lot of hurt and uncertainty too close to the surface, what with John gone so much longer than expected - but it still feels wrong that he said it out loud, no matter how much he may have thought it. That doesn't hurt the episode too much for me, though.


roguebitch February 5 2009, 03:22:46 UTC

No, I thought it was a brilliant episode. That was just one of those things that took me out of it a little, though.


erinrua February 4 2009, 04:24:21 UTC
but I would bet that Wyatt’s remembered advice and his final question - Are you happy, Sam? - have just reinforced Sam’s desire to confound destiny and escape again. Right now, with everything that he and Dean face, happiness seems unattainable - but if there’s a way to win, a way to put an end to all of it? This episode may have seemed years and worlds away from last week’s Criss Angel Is A Douchebag, but I think it’s far closer and more on point than it may have appeared.

Yes. That is *precisely* what I brought away from this episode. I thought there's some unexpectedly subtle and brilliant hinting going on, forewarning that Sam is leading himself up to doing *something* that will probably scare the pants off all of us. But I believe Sam has abruptly had it with being a passenger in his own life, and this episode merely builds upon Sam's revelation in the last: that he doesn't want to grow old and lonely and miserable doing this.I think Sam has finally hit boiling point, and he's fixing to take charge of his own life, again. ( ... )


bardicvoice February 5 2009, 02:34:46 UTC
Thank you! I'm right there with you, thinking that Sammy has decided to take his own action rather than just being acted on. I think the problem is that doing wrong things for right reasons will still net out to a wrong ... Yipes!


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