Supernatural University: Focus on the Mission - Lessons from John Winchester

Jul 04, 2007 13:52

This is the second in a series of Supernatural University lessons derived from specific characters in the show. Last week’s class focused on Dean’s gift for living in the moment; this week addresses both the positive and negative aspects of John Winchester’s ability to focus on the mission and achieve his goals against all odds.

My thesis for this ( Read more... )

psychology, meta, supernatural university, supernatural

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Comments 5

mrshamill July 4 2007, 18:44:14 UTC
I'm really enjoying these and your insight to the characters and the way they're written and played. Pretty cool!

And hey, despite the fact that we're under a tornado watch (rolls eyes) we might get some fireworks. We've discovered a cool place to watch 'em (from the top of the Herndon-Monroe park'n'ride garage) if you're interested in coming with. If you wanna join us for dinner (garlic chicken has been mentioned) that'd be great too!


Preoccupation ... bardicvoice July 5 2007, 22:22:54 UTC
Tee-hee - I was too focused on writing my Impala fanfic to even look for messages, so I missed this one until long after dinner and fireworks!

Thanks for the invitation, anyway!

And I'm glad you're enjoying the analytical bits. I really need to figure out how to ad all my old posts to this site, so that folk finding me here won't have to go over to TVG to find the full collection ...


anonymous July 5 2007, 03:29:08 UTC
Mary! Thank you for linking your LJ account to TVG. Now I have something else to look into when I want to get my SN fix (as if I don't get enough at TVG, LOL). Anywho, I am definitely looking forward to more posts and your fanfics too. See you around. - spcmla86


whimsywinx August 18 2007, 18:02:19 UTC
Brilliant! John is so flawed, but so real. You just want to smack him sometimes for being so cold to the boys, but hold him other times because his pain and regret is so real.


bardicvoice August 21 2007, 23:54:56 UTC
I really appreciate John. I was troubled with him at first, but the moment I flipped into loving him was Dean simply walking into his arms in Shadow. That absolute love and trust said that, whatever else John was, he really was Dad, and that was what mattered.

Dang. I'm so going to miss him.


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