Why do I always makes these posts at 2 in the morning?

Apr 18, 2010 03:13

Ok, so I'm back, and with various sketchy images of questionable quality and content!  YAY! :D

First up, we have images of the ever lovely Ladies Hunter and Smoker!  *round of applause*  Yes, the wonderful brainchildren of the most excellent Zarla, who have torn their ways into so many of our hearts by way of our intestines, if necessary.  The following images are from a weird planned meta fic, the first part to be tentatively titled "At the sign of the Who Gives a Shit."

Hunter and Smoker find an odd Bar/Pub place that one of Hunter's friends recommended...it is rather oddly named.

Hunter:  Awww, look, they knew you were coming, and named the place especially for you!

Smoker:  ...I refuse to dignify that with a comment.  *sighs*  Do we REALLY have to go in.

Hunter:  What do you think? >:3

Smoker:   *mutters to herself*

Note: The next image WAS going to be Hunter facing off with one of my characters, but that one refused to come out right so I scrapped it. XP  Instead, Enjoy this only slightly less horrible shot of Smoker giving the overly cheerful bartender the evil eye!

Bartender:  Anything I can get for you, miss?  *smile, smile*

Smoker:  *Glares, snorts smoke in his general direction*

Bartender:  *SMILE*

Sha Dache : *Continues to sit there and read, and totally messes up the shot.  Yer blockin are view of Smoker, buddy!*

The bartender (who only plays a bartender in this fic) is one of my oldest characters ever, incidentally.  As in I made up the earliest iteration of him when I was in the 8th grade, I think, which means he's been bouncing around in my head for well over a decade now.  I don't get rid of old characters, I just recycle them into new roles.  XD

But speaking of Dark Fics, here is an image from a planned darkfic (tentatively titled "the Dulcinea Effect".  And, yes, I totally ripped that from TV Tropes. )  Basic idea, a trio of my characters manage to get into Hunter and Smoker's world (they met the ladies at the bar, and wanted to check up on them), and well...

I never said it was a happy fic.  ):  At this point in the story, one of the trio (named Katane)  has already succumb to infection (see the hoodieless hunter in the corner...yes, he is meant to be a hunter, leave me alone), one (Tora Sai-yi) has been attacked by his own teammate and half strangled by Lady Smoker, and the third (Sha Dache) is...well, his prospects don't look so good.

That's the back of Lady Hunter's head in the bottom corner, incidentally.

So what fate befalls my little trio, as if I haven't kinda broadcast it already?

I seriously played with the idea of making Sha a Smoker;  all three guys are fantasy characters in this own story, and Sha in particular is a fire mage with a smoking habit. (Here, have an image of him that I did a while back bardic-feline.deviantart.com/art/Different-back-then-88913275. ) He can kill you  light his cigarettes with his mind.  *makes spooky noises*  He and Smoker actually initially bond over cigarettes.  (Her lighter runs out of fuel, she asks him for a light out of sheer desperation, she has to try really hard not to react when he essentially uses magic to do it.)  But I scrapped that idea because Sha is a fairly short character, and a short Smoker...nahh, too weird for me.

'Sides, he makes a much better witch.  Fits his personality better.

Kat, in the lower corner there, is normally a sort of cat boy character, so it was pretty much a given that he has to be a Hunter.  I mean, he was eight tenths there already...*mutters*

I don't have a pic of infected Tora, YET, but (For the two or three of you who read this and are actually familiar with this character) just for fun, you guess what I've planned for him.  Just for reference (and because I really like to plug this image as much as possible) here's a pic a friend did for me: femmeturk.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Tora-Sai-Yi-108799074
Just so you know, Tora is supposed to be sort of a horse thing.

Oh, I also decided to take a crack at what I think a more canon compliant manwitch might look like:

I pretty much copied the image poses  from the witches entry in the L4D wiki, which is why the anatomy is better than usual.  ^_^;;  Male witch, from the game, I imagine being pretty much identical to his sister in terms of behavior and mannerisms....maybe his cries are a bit lower pitched, but that's it.  His hair is a bit shorter and shaggier, and he wears a somewhat differently cut top and boxers instead of briefs.  (Mostly cause I refuse to draw briefs.  Just...no.  Someone else will have to take that on.)  He's a bit skinnier than his female counterpart, but about the same height.  That's all I've come up with for now.

Oh, and there's also another picture of Sha! witch.  (I still am trying to decide what the best name for a male witch would be, so I decided to make it into a joke where even the AI director is confused....)

But wait, there's MORE!  :D

Ok, it's just a couple more of Sha and Tora cosplaying as...well:

Typed version of my horrible handwriting:

B:  Sooooo...I thought I'd do a cosplay pic of you as Dr. Horrible...


B: You don't look much like Neil Patrick Harris, though.

S:  With your drawing style, who could tell...

I really just wanted to see Sha in a labcoat.  This happened. And when that happened:

Tora as Captain Hammer was a fairly logical followup.  Well, logical to me, at any rate.

This was harder to draw than normal, and it still came out looking bad.  Meh.

Frankly, I think he's enjoying the role a little too much.  XP

Good god, why do I always wait until this late to post stuff?

Anyway, fic is still forthcoming...it's VERY first drafty still, and I haven't quite gotten to the end. 

sha dache, zarla, tora, lady hunter, work in progress, fantasy, horse, lady smoker

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