Not much time before I must go to work - will finish looking over
wolviepris's monkey-pirate if and when I return home. For the moment, I am barricaded in my room against the invading task force of wasps or hornets. Granted, I only saw one buzzing around, but I heard others, and saw the dead bodies of more, and I was trying NOT to look for the others buzzing around because they terrify me. The thought of staying barricaded in my room is quite tempting, though my stomach's protesting that it really would like me to leave the room and find it something to eat, thankyouverymuch - so going to work's the next best thing, with a Wawa's stop on the way. And they would miss me if I didn't come in. Not to mention I'd be in trouble. I don't like being in trouble.
So I guess I'm off then.