I had a fight with Mom last night. She screamed at me. She never screams at anyone. Never. We always get along well. But last night she screamed at me, and turned around positives into negatives, and I don't know what to do.
The filler space above is for those who just want to comment on the second part of this entry without having to read anything about drama or anything.
In other news, I was recently reading through an old notebook where I'd collected ideas for character quirks, and had a thought about a character concept - someone with natural spellcasting capabilities who happens to be terrified of magic, but occasionally in certain threatening situations their magic erupts to protect them. In D&D I think it would probably have to be a sorceror, and kind of difficult to pull off as a PC because of that limitation on the main powers of the character. I could see it working in a GURPS game, though - natural spellcasting as well as some level of magery, and the character can still have other strengths with other points, as well as getting some kind of credit for the phobia itself.
This is somewhat better than another idea that I or someone else had of playing a vampire who's afraid of the undead.