Eostre and an Oath

Apr 10, 2008 15:14

This Eostre just passed, I offered a blétsung.  Not so unusual, that.  But this blétsung was a bit different, quite personal, and deeply meaningful.  An oath was also given.

Just before dawn on the morning of the efenniht, I gathered my supplies for the ritual and walked to the little spit of parkland that juts out into the harbor at the end of my block.  This spot has become my customary and preferred place for ritual as it's easy to feel very connected to the land, the sea and the open sky all at the same time in this one location.  There are also some large granite formations here, one of which makes an especially good weofod.  This little park is also somewhat off the beaten path.  It's probably not well known to anyone not from the neighborhood so the likelihood of interruption or intrusion there is small, especially in the early morning hours.

Upon arrival in the park, I put my ritual supplies in their places on the weofod.  After giving a gift of dried beans and fruits to the local wights and asking their consent to my doing the blétsung there, I hallowed the area by carrying a flame around the perimeter while singing a Wéonde Song.  I then hallowed the weofod and the gifts I'd brought, and spent a few minutes thinking about the purpose of the blétsung and about the oath I was about to give.  As the sun rose in the sky, I hailed Sunna and began the blétsung.

The horn was filled with a dark and flavorful cold tea I'd prepared for the blétsung.  Eostre was hailed, and gifts of colored eggs, plump and juicy blackberries, and brilliantly yellow daffodils were given her.  Tiw was hailed, and Woden, Thunor, Sibb, Frige, Ingui Frea, Geofon Freo, Hama, Eorðe,  Neorð and all the Gods and Goddesses of our folc.  With all the Gods of Ésageard as witnesses, I spoke my gesiðcunde áð (oath of companionship, for lack of a better translation) to the Geferræden Fyrnsidu (GFS), the Anglo-Saxon Heathen Fellowship with which I've been in association for a little more than a year.  I'd also prepared  and signed two written copies of the oath.  One of these I wrapped tightly around a stone and cast into the sea (the other would be mailed to the GFS after the blétsung was ended).  Thanks was given to the Gods for bearing witness, and their continued favor was asked.  With gifts given and shared, the blétsung was ended.

In giving the gesiðcunde áð, I oath I will cleave to the customs of the Geferræden and the thews of Fyrnsidu.  Giving this oath also makes me a gesið, or full member of the Fellowship (as opposed to a læringmann, a learner, or provisional member).  But, I will always be a læringmann, as there will always be more to learn.  It is my hope and my vow to always do my best to uphold my personal honor and the honor of the Geferræden Fyrnsidu.  I am humbled, and deeply appreciate that they would have me as companion.

Hail the Gods!   Hail the Folc!


gfs, heathenry, oaths

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