Dragon Con....

Aug 10, 2010 16:06

So, I'm attending Dragon con again this year, and working for Flynn's Folly for the Brobdingnagian Bard Reunion Show. I expect I will be working table most of the weekend. (If you need to find me, check at the Flynn's Folly table. I think they've moved the band tables again this year, so I'm not sure where that will be yet.)

Nevertheless, for the first time, I am looking at what other things may be on the schedule, and I may -actually- try to go to a couple of panels! If I manage to make any of them, this will be an exciting part of the convention that I've never tried before. Still on the schedule are numerous concerts, and musical venues, but potentially included for this year: A Dr. Who Panel, a Eureka Panel, and maybe even a jaunt down to the Independent film viewings.

I think I'm starting to get excited!

dragon con

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