[Leliana wakes up like any other morning, but something doesn't feel right. For one, it's suddenly a lot colder, and there's a lot of snow everywhere. More than that, however, she can't shake the slight sense of disorientation that colors her morning routine.
After she dresses and heads downstairs, her suspicions are confirmed: the calendar reads a whole new month. Twelve days into it, in fact.
Leliana has just woken up from her first droning. Well, at least a parcel from the post office has lifted her spirits lightly; in it are a few
pressed white flowers, the scent of which both brings her comfort and makes her feel more homesick than ever.
To the phones to find out what she's missed, then.]
Hello? It seems that I have been away for quite awhile...
The last thing I remember is speaking to Cuba, except he was very small. Has anything of importance happened since then?