building nothing, laying bricks

Nov 22, 2004 04:00

So back to this. I sort of Miss Blogging and I've tired of simply being an LJ voyeur/freeloader. Maybe I have interesting things to say, sometimes? But when you don't write for this long, its hard to even know where to start. Let's do a list, numbered to reflect its incompleteness and arbitrariness:

3) I'm all grown up and living in the heart of the Big City. The Annex, to be specific. Almost everyone who is reading this/who will care, already knows this. The Annex is beautiful and utopian. There are huge trees and a dog park and expensive toys in the playground sandbox that never get stolen. The people in this neighbourhood throw away the most ridiculous "garbage", too, which is nice. "Nancy and Collin" live upstairs and have been cavorting with "Ian and Brigitte", who live up-upstairs. I know this because of clues.

A) I live with The Loribeth. This is turning out quite well, despite her fears that we would end up hating each other. She is a good roommate even though she gets me involved in three-hour conversations about history/epistemology/politics/the fabric of space and time when I have loads of schoolwork to do. But that's okay, because I usually learn more and think harder in these conversations, anyway.

J) Oh yeah, I'm in the process of being indoctrinated into The Academy via the Joint M.A. Programme Between Some Two Schools in Some Communication Studies and Some Cultural Studies. It is hard and easy, disillusioning and inspiring, stressful and fun, boring and exciting, all at the same time. The MA community is tight and small, which could be really great or really annoying. And I've made some great friends who will never read this.

6) We got/found/were adopted by a cat and we named her Brunswick. She is not pregnant.

9) My head is in outer space in like, at least three different ways.

D) I went to see Noam Chomsky at Convocation Hall tonight. Matt and I even encountered the good professor as we were leaving the washroom and he was coming in. Matt was faced with the inevitable "Do I shake his hand with my wet hand?" dilemma and opted to go for it. The lecture was good, but didn't provide the spark I need to set me on fire. I need to be set on fire again.

BLUE) Congratulations to KRG for winning our "who will get published in a peer reviewed journal first?" contest. I more or less conceded to her for her numerous unrefereed-yet-impressive articles in such prestigious publications as NOW and the Globe and her conference presentation and her residency at the Canadian Film Centre and her project-management for the Green Party of Canada (am I missing anything?). But now she's won officially, and I'm nowhere close. But that's okay. I support her being a journalistic/academic superstar.

1) Everyone I care about is still alive, which I never take for granted. This is partly because I learned to be morbid from my mom.

X) Some other equally or more important stuff, perhaps to be saved for subsequent entries.

The end.
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