family woes

Nov 30, 2006 11:32

So, yesterday was um, interesting. I saw my father for the first time in about nine years. I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be. He's like a stranger to me or a weird extended family member that you only see during the holidays. And he's very old looking. He's only 50 but he looks like he's in his 60's. It was weird. He wasn't too upsetting but my two uncles are jack-asses. Total sexist pigs. It's so nice when your family members tell you it's a "man's world" and that you can't do what you want. I hate that family so much. I want nothing to do with them. I'm completely surprised (and happy) that my father isn't like that. At least not that I know of. I do know that he is very proud of me going to school and whatnot and that makes me happy.

Regardless, I do not want to be associated with that family. I think that I have decided to take my mother's birth name. Not just because of crappy family but her name is way better sounding, lol.

Both my uncle and and aunt harped on my to see him again. Which irritates the hell out of me. They don't seem to consider my feelings in any of this. I was told that "it means a lot to him." Well gee, it meant a lot to me that he would be around for the last nine years but that didn't change a damn thing did it? Gar. So, before writing this I didn't want to see him again. But now I think I might want to. I don't know how much longer he will be around and I don't want to regret not seeing him if I have the chance.


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