Aug 28, 2006 08:40
My mom came down yesterday to help with putting up my shelves. Only thing is we only got half of them up and even though she wanted to leave at 4 she left at 8:30! She bought me curtains and curtain rods, new windsheld wiper blades, help me put together a few storage things, put up hooks for my light hang-y things (like an awesome chandelier from Ikea that I got for 5 bucks because a tiny piece broke off), secured some bookshelves to the wall and overall was an awesome mother. ^_^
She also brough down a little hamster for me. His name is Hammy (NOT my idea!)and he has to be the cutest little hamster EVAR! And I don't usually think hamsters are all that cute. I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you guys the cuteness. :( One day. He sort of shy but he finally let me pet him near the end of the day. He was so soft! Like a bunny. :D I love little Hammy.