More adventures in high blood pressure

Mar 06, 2008 00:34

me: so ryan gave everyone a "pop quiz" today

amy: oh fun

me: he has threatened 2 of them over the course of the quarter
  and they are both worth 10% each
  so if you miss lecture, you are screwed

amy: is this number two?

me: yes
  so this was the question
  "i am a genius because i attended comp lit 2bw today and that is why i deserve an A on this quiz"

amy: really?

me: the question was to write that down on a piece of paper and put your name on it
  uh huh
  what an idiot

amy: this man is crazy isn't he
  if he wants participation to count why doesn't he just say that

me: why go through all of that effort making your lectures if you are just going to invalidate all of that knowledge by giving them a bullshit pop quiz
  that is basically saying, WHAT I SAY IN LECTURE IS NOT IMPORTANT
  and my students complain all the time that they don't understand what he is trying to tell them anyway

amy: are they allowed to ask questions?

me: he leaves room for questions once every 3 weeks or so
  also he uses a bunch of academic terms without defining them
  like tuesday one kid was like, what is heterotopia?
  and i could only answer that because i learned about that last week
  (also some jerface kid said, is it the oposite of homotopian)
  that kid is very stupid
  also really, really hot

amy: that kid is
  isnt that always the way?
  but really

me: is ryan not the most incompetent person to ever have taught anything

amy: he must be high in the running
  unless there is a movie where rodney dangerfield teaches college
  which I think is a 50/50 shot

me: so three of my students didn't come to lecture today for the quiz
  but they each came to talk to me about it
  so i got pushovered into giving them credit
  if i had a hip hop name, it'd be lil softee
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