I'm Back Again

Oct 20, 2013 07:29

    I'm back again, and I'm not sure if I will continue using 'My Journal' as a place to keep a record of the crow activity. I seem to have the tags, as to what I consider pages all mixed up and some are duplicated. All of what I have written is all over the place. And I think I started this journal before 2012, but 2012 is far back as I can find on here. Presently I will continue on with 'My Journal' So to continue on about my crows:     I stopped adding entries when my crows flew off again as they have done in the past. We get a lot of snow up here, where as my back yard has the snow piled up most winters. So I guess it makes sense that the crows would search for better feeding grounds. I have no idea where they go, they might be in the next town, or down in the Manchester area, or perhaps another state? I also got discouraged when they allowed the Blue Jay's to scare them off. However it appears they are still returning in the spring to do their nesting here. But then again I'm wondering if they might be a new group. They seemed to be a bit braver, so I'm hoping they are the same group. When I call them they do not hesitate to come, and they stay visible and close by in the trees watching me scatter the scraps about. Last spring they use to hide in the trees and hesitate before flying down for the scraps. This spring they started to come right down before I got back on my deck. So now I can stand on my deck and watch them. The spring before they sat in the trees and waited patiently until I went in the house. Through the day, the moment I go out to my back yard I will see them flying in close, making crow calls to each other and landing in the trees watching me. Seems they are saying "okay we are ready for more now." I came to the conclusion that they are relying on my handouts more so during the nesting season. This makes it easier while building the nest, incubating the eggs, feeding and caring for their chicks. Once the chicks have grown and are independent I seem to see less of them? Unfortunately in the later part of the summer I had another surgery, and it took me some time to heal. I had a hard enough time taking care for myself, so I did not get out there to feed them every day. Lucky thing that the chicks were old enough to not be so needy. Near the end of the summer they came back, or another group flew in. They answer when I call, but they hang back a bit before flying in for the scraps. Worst thing that could happen, I have about 7 Blue Jays hanging around. First thing I thought was, they will scare them off. Much to my surprise they have been feeding with the blue jay's. I don't care for  jays because they are so greedy, they don't even share with their own kind, or graze well together. They spend a lot of time squabbling with each other, even when their's plenty to go around. But it did not appear that they were scaring off the crows yesterday.  Perhaps because I fed them some peanuts? I purchased a 50 pound bag of cracked corn this fall. First of the summer I bought chicken feed for them. then I was advised that the chicken feed or pellets would melt into the ground from the rain and snow, but cracked corn would not. My crows have been eating some of it, but it seems like their last option. However the blue jay's love it? And in the last 2 weeks a stray cat's been coming around. They must have a sentinel watching for them. Because all the crows and the jay's could be pecking away at the scraps and then they suddenly they all disappear.  20 minutes later I see the cat out there lurking about? After she's gone they return.
I am going to be checking out more sites for free online journals. Right now I'm continuing my journal on 'My Diary'

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