Something To Crow About

Jun 07, 2012 13:37

June 7, 2012

Yesterday I moved the rodent trap to the gararge. As I once owned a cat, their is a cat door on the garage. So I sett the rodent trap up and made a line of peanuts from the outside cat door, to the trap. The squirrel took the bait and went for a 5 mile ride to the woods. I think that makes 13 squirrels? This morning I was visited by another gray squirrel sitting on the empty window shelf., (so darn many I have lost count) Back to the gararge to resett the trap I go.

As I returned from the garage, walking across the yard I noticed a crow sitting on the dead limb of it's favored pine tree. I stopped and said hello 3 times. The crow cocked it's head to one side and replied quawk, 3 times and flew away. First sound I have heard from a crow that was not the ordinary crow caw.

As spring turns to summer I wondered if mom and dad would bring their new born chicks to my back yard. When I walked out through the back yard towards the gararge earlier I thought I could hear some unusual little squwaks in the trees? Then later as I was sitting in my chair I noticed more then 4 crows forageing about the scraps. The  only way I recognized them as chicks is by their actions. I noticed 2 with opened beaks making constant llittle squwaks. They were as big as an adult crow, but a little more slender.So now the family has grown from the 5 crows with 2 or 3 baby chicks added. Today June 7, 2012 I got my first view of their offsprings. I think it was only 2 but I'm not sure, it might be 3? Now that's something to crow about!

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