OMG She's posting!

Nov 08, 2009 14:50

Hee well its been awhile again. I've been so busy with work, ma man, and the rest of life that the hours just seem to slip away. For those of you that don't know it I've been hangin out in Second Life. I've also taken up DJ'ing as a hobby. Yes... the vixen can beatmix club tunes hehehe

In fact, tonight we're having the grand opening of Club B.U.N.K.E.R. on our sim. We open at 6PM PST and will keep ya movin till midnight. Ma man will be dj'ing a 3 hour set and I'll close it out with ma hard dance set. So if ya'd like to come clicky the little linky. And if you're ever in Second Life look me up under Barbarella Bayn.

And while you're there be sure to check out the rest of the sim there's plenty to do and see. There's even a fully functional TARDIS. heeee you knew it would be there.

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