Good Deeds and Chicklets...

Nov 08, 2008 17:58

Today I woke up early and decided that since I was bored silly I'd clean out a few things from my garage. So, I pack up 4 cases of MRE's left over from IKE and 2 cases of water. (yes I still have MORE of them in my garage FEMA was great)

Anyway, since we have a cold front right now I thought I'd take em down to the area I work in to hand out to some of the homeless camping out under the overpasses in the business section of Houston. I gave everyone I could 2 MRE's and 4 waters. Then I get to this one guy... he looks like he really needs em so I hand him the stuff and he looks at it... and starts handing it back to me and says "You're not giving money?". Ummm WTF?

On a side note... Never ... EVER... eat the chicklets in an MRE!
I'll tell ya why...

About a week after IKE my parents moved back into their house from my house. Groceries were still scarce and we had all these MRE's so we were just eating them. Well one morning, while I toiling away in the office, my mother calls me. The conversation went something like this:

Mother: Baby have you been eating those MRE's?
Me: Yes why?
Mother: For Gods sake don't eat the chicklets in those things! You haven't have you?
Me: Yes why?
Mother: *almost hysterical laughter* I was talking to some people at work and they told me that the chicklets are laxatives and I said very calmly to them "Well that explains why when I sneezed I shit myself this morning"
Me: *blink* *thinking... thinking...* OMG that's why I've been so sick the past few days... I guess those papers in the brown wrapper weren't "little" napkins after all...
Mother: *cackles*

Only in LJ would I dare to embarass myself in this manner. Thanks LJ!

Hamster: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *rolls around in hamster ball*

Oh Shut UP!

Hamster: Need a napkin? BAHAHAHAHAHA
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