Aug 06, 2004 18:02
hey.. its been a while since i wrote in here.. well, i dont like school.. i dont like how tha halls and at break and lunch is soo crowded.. i cant even move!! and i dont see many of my friends during the day.. i mean, i only have like 3 friends.. my dad tells me that i dont have any friends.. just acquaintences.. which is pretty much true.. if i had a good friend, i would be stayin the night with them and they would be stayin tha night with me.. but i didnt stay the night with anyone this whole summer and it sucked.. i feel like i have no friends... i think i pissed chris baughman off today.. and i feel really really bad.. im not gonna tell the story, but if you read this chris, sorry.. and like, 2 guys today made me mad.. its just little stuff but it pisses me off.. gosh.. i told my mom how i need to start stayin the night with people friday and saturday nights.. and she said i could.. but everyone's always busy when im not.. and im always busy when my friends arent.. i wish i could just be invisible and go to school without anyone seeing me.. haha.. thatd be funny.. well im gonna go.. bye!!