And the dinner topic of the day is... The Shiodome Tunnel.

Dec 29, 2012 14:10

In which Nagase enthralls Jun with trivia on tunnels on Tokyo.

Part of the fun in this lies in watching Nagase and Jun wolfing down that steak. Nagase + Beef = Epic TV. Remember when he was a guest on Shukudai-kun and ate from a giant skewer of Shawarma?

Nagase is ever the eager conversationalist.

Highlight number 1: Jun's facial expressions throughout this segment.

His cheeks look so squishy here, particularly because he's been chewing on a huge mouthful of steak.

Highlight number 2: Nagase's choice of dinner entertainment - talking about the Shiodome Tunnel.

Highlight 1a) Jun's side-eye at every alternative Nagase comment.

And his lopsided grin! You know J's curiosity is piqued when he assumes that expression!

Nagase, with an Aiba-like tenacity, sinks his claws into the mystery of the Odor of the Shiodome Tunnel.

Like any other modern citizen, he uses the internet. *gasp*

I checked out how many hits "Shiodome Tunnel stinks 汐留トンネル 臭い" had on Google: 78,400.

See? I told you Jun's curiosity was piqued! He looks somewhere off camera, probably at his manager, who will be driving through Shiodome tunnel tonight! Hah!

Only a guy like Nagase would be able to switch modes from talking about odorous tunnels to attacking a beef steak.

Screencaps taken from the glorious video subbed by TK0 Subs.

nagase tomoya, jun

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