[2017.06.30] Pitankko Kan Kan - Ohno & Ishihara Satomi

Jul 05, 2017 20:45

Putting the translations here for people who want to know what's happening ASAP! (This couple is too cute.) Updating it slowly as I go along.

Very rough, and needs spotting at a later stage when I'm not so brain dead from work. Based on the raw video from arashigoodies.

Look at them!

Na: In the basement of a building in Shiba Park, Tokyo…
S: The words, “Shinobi Samurai Honjin Dojo”…
T/N: A dojo is a school or training hall where martial arts are taught.
S: This is the emergency exit!
O: Eh? We gotta walk some more?
S: Hang on…
O: Hello!
Nin: Welcome to XXX!
O: Wow!
Nin: I shall guide you inside, please wait a moment.
Nin: That’s our cue, please come inside with me.
O: Okay.
O: Wow!
S: XXX Amazing!
S: Please excuse us…
S: What is this?
Nin: I have brought them here. Please, go ahead.
N: A bow to the front!
N: A bow to each other!
N: I ask for your favour today.
O&S: We ask for your favour.
N: I am the head of the Musashi clan, Narashino.
N: I ask for your favour today.
O&S: We ask for your favour.
N: In order to purify our hearts and this dojo,
N: I would like you to watch this performance.
N: Thank you very much.
N: We’d like everyone to try out the ninja experience.
N: Please, rise to your feet.
A: This is Mumon, a genin ninja from Iga.
T/N: Genin are low-ranking ninja.
N: Yes, I have heard of him.
S: He’s the top ninja in Iga.
N: Yes.
Na: The movie starring our guests, Ohno Satoshi-san and Ishihara Satomi-san is…
Na: Shinobi no Kuni, a story of the Sengoku incident depicting the battle between ninja and samurai, the Tensho Iga war.
Na: Ohno-san plays Iga’s number one ninja, Mumon.
O: ???
Na: Ishihara-san portays his wife, Okuni.
S: I too, shall join the battle.
O: Wait, wait!
Na: Without further ado!
Na: Let’s go with Ohno Satoshi and Ishihara Satomi on a tour of Shinobi no Kuni*!
T/N: The movie’s title literally translates into “Land of the Ninjas”.
Na: We first arrive at the Musashi clan’s dojo of ninja arts!
Na: The Musashi clan was a family of undercover agents in the Edo period.
Na: They aim to introduce the Shibata clan’s cultures to the modern world!
Na: The group provides ninja experiences catered for tourists.
A: This movie is a matter of interest for those in the ninja world, right?
N: It’s a super big event.
S: I see!
S: Happy to hear that!
O: Happy to hear that!
N: I look forward to it!
A: He used the (English) word, “big”!
Na: We’ll let the trio undergo the ninja experience.

Na: Firstly, they’ll throw some shuriken!
T/N: Shuriken are sharp metal stars which can be thrown at the enemy.
N: Who will go first?
A: Let’s go with the person who says that her speciality is throwing shuriken, Ishihara Satomi-san!
S: You’re kidding! Since when!?
N: Since you’re the shuriken expert, would you please step over here?
S: Ishihara-san takes the first shot!
N: Aim straight at the target and quickly release the shuriken.
A: How sure are you of hitting the target?
S: 100%!
S: Will this do?
N: Yes.
N: Oh, close!
S: This is tough!
N: Throw it like you’re slashing downwards.
S: Slashing downwards…
N: Oh! Wonderful!
N: Excellent.
N: And now, please come over here, face the camera and say, “I’ve struck it!”
S: I’ve struck it!
A: What manual are you following?
N: This is the usual tour manual.
O: Ohno takes the next shot!
N: Go ahead!
N: Wonderful!
S: You’re good!
O: Here I go!
N: Wonderful!
N: Two shurikens at the same spot. Please come over here…
N: And we’re done.
A: Since Ohno-san is good at this, can we make the target smaller?
N: By all means.
A: Here?
N: Thereabouts.
O: Anju-san, please hold on to it.
A: No, no!
A: There’s double-sided tape!
O: Too bad…
A: Sometimes, you’re really extreme  when your switch is flipped.
Na: They shrink the target further…
O: Okay!
A: It’s in!
S: He’s good!
N: Excellent!
O: I can hit it if I throw from here!
N: Excellent!
Na: After the shuriken…
A: The blowpipe!
N: That’s right!
Na: The pair is pretty skilled at using the blowpipe!
Na: And there…
N: We’d like you to attempt a challenge!
Na: A balloon target appears!
N: Anyone can simply shoot and burst that balloon,
N: but at the Musashi clan’s stronghold, there’s a trap door.
N: Why over here, it’s a secret revolving door.
N: The person attempting the challenge shall hide behind this door.
N: After exiting the chamber, he shall retrieve the blowpipe and darts, and burst this target.
N: However, in the meantime, I shall chase over the person with my sword.
N: Running is forbidden.


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