Feb 04, 2011 14:00
Well, in other news, I still have not done any substantial work on my book. I have sketched and doodled, but honestly, thumbnailing does NOT work for me. I am too distractible to work on thumbnails, however, I CAN hyperfocus on finished pieces. Probably why I either have fully finished pieces, or pages on pages of doodles. There is no 'in between' for me, no 'perfecting' a piece. It's one of those things that I see in other artists, but can't do for myself - it makes me feel like less of an artist, even though it's basically the defining point of my ADD.
My distractions have cut down a fair chunk, but there is 'still so much to DO!' that I can't just sit and work. I can't work in the basement, because it's messy. I can't work up here, because we don't have Photoshop on this Mac, and I'm usually getting up every five seconds to start dinner or clean or do "something". I contemplate ridiculous new projects just to keep myself from finishing this book. Like, "I should start a quilt for the baby!" or "I should teach myself how to crochet!". Neither of these things are insidious on their own, they're just being used as a distraction mechanism from my main project.
The house is almost ridiculously clean. I need to vacuum, maybe mop the floors today. Neither of these things are getting behind, but it feels like I should do it. There are handfuls of things that I don't want to throw away, but can't justify keeping, and they're driving me nuts. There are piles starting in the bedroom again - not of clothing, but of miscellaneous 'things to be sorted' for the baby, things I am bringing out of other rooms, etc. The basement NEEDS to be finished. I am doing what I can, but I'm not sure what else I can do on my own since it's pretty much all toys to be sorted/sold/stored. There's also the bedroom closet, which is kind of being used as a "store all".
Seriously, at this point I am considering renting a table at the Toy and Hobby show in March and just marking everything at $10. At the end of the day, free. This close, people, this close.
Uuugghh now my blood pressure is low and I'm shaky and too hot from exerting myself when I should be lying down. Damn this inability to sit still!