Feb 24, 2006 09:11
I'm sitting in my internetbullshit class, simmering. Completely irritated with the fact that every time I plan something that could benefit me in the least, it falls through. I'm starting to just give up on that whole getting my hopes up thing.
Best Buy pretty much told me I had the job through my technically three, but pretty much four interviews that ended up being three hours long in total. I was excited, but cautious, and found that my cautious side usually ends up the correct side. They told me someone a tid bit more qualified came along after my three hours of interviews and took it away. That sucked.
My car was to be sold to KC, her accident destroyed that whole idea. I lurve you, snooginz.
There were plans for a party on friday that was going to be great, and I was to profit just a smidgen, and that fell through by people actually getting in trouble through parents and work....assholeswhoratpeopleout ftw!!
The dance that I was looking forward to and was going to besides prom, because prom is a big waste of money and time. The group I was to go with decided they won't be going, and that just kind of made me sad.
I'm going through massive stress about college, because more and more I'm debating whether it's good for me to go straight to California after highschool or not. I'm afraid that if I end up not liking it, or not getting along with Sarah, or whatever, I'm stuck there and there isn't anything I can do about it. Plus, I'd rather just go straight to Cal. State Channel Islands instead of going to that one community college in San Diego for a year, then transferring. I don't know. I have a whole list of other shit that is causing me to stress out.
Bells gonna ring.