I hate having classes in the annex. Sucks... so I have to walk a billion miles jsut to get to all of my classes. Wonder-freakin-ful. "I will walk 500 miles, and I ...." <- ha. me. My legs hurt, all my books are heavy... and I think I ran out of things to complain about. Oh! On the plus side my eye is getting better.. thankx Aaron and Brandon for your support. NOT. But you know I love you. Oh, and I have a website now (FINALLY) & it is currently under construction.. so yea. You have to wait a week or so. PICTURES will be on it. YAY. Psh. They aren't that great.
http://www.00fun.com/themagicbrush415.shtml Useful?!?!^^ Positive?? Uplifting? Maybe not, but it sure is cute.