Feb 07, 2005 11:46
Lots to post on because so much has happened in the past few days. Well, actually, not really, just a whole lot of thinking and a whole lot of talking. Plus I'm tired and sick. Anyway, here goes nothing.
So I finally talked to Amanda again. Sterling practicly made her talk to me. She was PLOWED when we got on the phone, and i think she was still kinda buzzin' (or coming down at least) when we got off, but I think we got a lot of the stuff out that we needed to. I know I feel a lot better about everything, and I hope she does too. I'm glad that she want's to be friends with me again, because to be honest, i really kinda miss our conversations. She really seems to open up when she talks to me, and everyone needs someone who they can open up to. I'm just glad she's talking to me again. More to come on that, probably, but a lot of it isn't exactly for sharing.
Aaron called me last night at like... 0230 MY time, which means he was about ready to leave. It was strange, I couldn't sleep last night and I kept thinking "God, I wish i had the chance to say this" and "I wish i could have said that" but when he called me up i choked. Nothing I wanted to say came out. I wish it had, but that's okay. I'll just have to send him lots of letters. I'm going to tell you all right now, he's going to make one HELL of a Marine. I know it.
Ugh... actually, i'm really tired and i'd rather not talk about what really SUCKED about this weekend. Maybe I'll get to it later. Hablamos Luego