A is for age:
20, 21 next month!
B is for beer of choice:
I don't drink beer enough to have an opinion.
C is for career right now:
None :( I'm a senior in college.
D is for dog's name:
E is for eggs- how do you like them?
F is for favorite TV show:
The Office, ancient episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, Split Ends.
G is for favorite game:
Trivial Pursuit 90s edition, Speed, Knockout, volleyball.
H is for hometown:
I is for instruments you play:
I used to play piano okay.
J is for favorite juice:
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Bad tippers who also have bad attitudes.
L is for your life right now:
It's always a mish-mash of good and not-so-good. Not having a car=not-so-good, everything else=pretty good.
M is for marriage:
N is for your full name:
Jennifer Kristin Buchanan.
O is for overnight hospital stays:
Never.. hopefully not anytime soon.
P is for people you were with today:
Myself. The day isn't over yet!
Q is for quote:
People are no damn good.
R is for biggest regret:
Not going to talk about this.
S is for status:
T is for time you woke up today:
U is for underwear you have on now:
Fuscia granny panties.
V is for vegetable you love:
Green beans.
W is for worst habit:
X is for X-rays you've had:
My teeth at checkups.
Y is for your wish:
To be happy and have fun.
Z is for zodiac sign: