I was going to call this entry "Three things." but I ended up writing about more than that.

Mar 05, 2006 21:49

If all goes well, I'll be living in the EV apartments next year with Anastasia, Leslie, and Mandie. It'll be nice.. I'll have my own room but still have roommates so I won't get *too* scared in the middle of the night. And a big refrigerator. So we'll have a freezer and I'll be able to buy milk. I didn't get a lottery number for housing selection though.. which kind of makes me mad because I registered well in time. I'm kind of afraid my school email doesn't work because I haven't gotten anything all weekend but I sent something to myself today and I got it just fine. Argh.

I'm definitely working in the mailroom this summer.

Steven's going out of town for break to visit a friend so I won't see him all week. I'm kind of jealous for a couple of reasons:

1.) His friends get to have him to themselves for a few days. Which I'm cool with. Which makes it sound like I'm not cool with it, but I am.
2.) He actually has something to do for break that's not boring.
But most importantly 3.) He's on break and having fun but I'm not yet. And I'm not having fun either obviously because I have a lot of stuff to do this week anyway. But I won't call him and complain unless he calls me first and asks.

His birthday is March 10. I need to get his present. Although I need to move out this weekend too. I don't like packing. I always overpack too.

I feel like I have a headache coming on and my stomach feels funny. I need to declare my major.

I'm thirsty.


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