Jul 14, 2004 16:35
*Nervous Habits: i always bounce my leg when im feeling nervous...im nervous a lot though...i bite my nails, smoke too much
*Do you bite your nails?: yea, it doesn't even matter if i put polish on them, i can't stop!
*Do you pick your nose?: nahhh, i don't think so, i guess if something's up thereeee
*Are you double jointed?: sadly, no.
*Can you roll your tongue?: ooh, i can make taco tongue and i can do the clam tongue :D im proud
*Can you raise one eyebrow?: yiiiis, but only one and i do it a lot causing them to be a llliiitttle uneven
*Can you blow spit bubbles?: um, i wish
*Can you flare your nostrils?: who can't...people, i swear
*Can you cross your eyes?: yepper, and the lazy eye
*Tattoos?: not yetttt :)
*Do you make your bed daily?: nah, i wait til the last possible second to actually get out of my bed
*Which shoe goes on first?: i think it's usually the right one
*On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: usually about 20, but lately none :\
*What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my blingin A necklace, my flower ring on my middle left finger, and my 2 jelly bracelets from sarah's sissy
*What's sexiest on a guy? um, as for clothes, i love the whole disshelved i look awesome but don't have to try look, like wallet chain cute tight shirt, butt jeans...but i LOVE a guy dressed up too, ties are soooo cute
*Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: i don't think this question applies to me...im almost always late, and i always look average
*Favorite Piece of Clothing: i think right now my favorite is my pirate shirt, it's comfy cool, and really cute.
*Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: OH GOD. i don't eat spaghetti. EVER.
*Have you ever eaten Spam?: nahh, i might like to try it someday though
*Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: BETTER BATTER represent!!! (what what)
*How many cereals in your cabinet?: um, i think right now...cheerios with bananas and strawberries, and lucky charms (as usual)
*What's your favorite beverage?: my favorite is pepsi. the only thing better than pepsi is cherry pepsi.
*What's your favorite restaurant?: i think my favorite restaurant right now is red lobster, but ive been craving seafood for a few weeks now.
*What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: from GNPK, i use a fork and a knife, but any other pizza, MY TEETH. grrr.
*Do you cook?: i can make any noodles/pasta, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, and anything that involves putting something in the oven...a la tv dinners. :)
*How often do you shower/bathe?: everyday.
*How long does your shower last?: probably approximately 20 minutes
*Hair drying method: towel for as long as it takes me to pick out my outfit (which could be a while) and then blow dry
*Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: oh lord all the time
*Do you paint your nails?: maybe once a month...until all the other polish scratches offfff
*Favorite hair products: um, i like whatever shampoo/conditioner is in the shower, and any gel or mooouse for that matter...but i LOVE love love rave ultra hold hairspray.
*Do you swear?: yeah
*Do you ever spit?: i spit my nails when im in the car, i spit when something weird is in my mouth, don't you?
*Actor/Actress: michael pitt (hottest thing) angelina jolie, vince vaughn, kate hudson...
*Animal: um, i like puppies
*Food: um, i like pasta, chicken on the grill, tacos, mac and cheese, hot dogs, cheese balls, and velvetta nachos. mmmmm
*Month: i like october cuz it's just cold enough, and there's HALLOWEEN
*Cartoon: spongebob squarepants i suppose
*Flower: peonies, daffodils, hibicus, gerber daises
*Shoe Brand: i love shoes. i will wear any brand, especially if you make flip flops.
*Subject in school: i like biology, photography
*Color: greeeeen
*Sport to participate in: ill watch any sport as long as there are no buffalo bills...i like to swim
*Book: im trying to get a copy of diary, bridge to terebithia
*The CD Player: no authority single, ludacris, and the first destiny's child
*Who do you talk most on the phone with: sarah
*Ever taken a cab?: no, maybe someday
*What color is your bedroom?: i just painted it like a light brown, it matches the palm tree/pineapple theme
*Do you use an alarm clock?: i have to, or else i would sleep my life away.
*Name something you are obsessed with: music, food, or love.
*Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: i don't think so...
*Ever sunbathed nude?: nah, ive always been rather round.
*Window seat or aisle?: i think i like aisle...im nosy.
*What's your sleeping position?: on my stomach with my leg in figure 4 or on my side.
*What kind of bed do you like?: as long as i have covers, any bed.
*Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: i need a blanket if it's freaking 93 degrees outside, it doesn't matter.
*Do you snore?: i talk a lot.
*Do you sleepwalk?: no. sleepwalkers scare me. go to bed!
*Do you talk in your sleep?: yea, ive been told i have had whole conversations.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: just me.
*How about with the light on?: i NEED it as dark as possible, it's hard for me to sleep otherwise.
*Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: tv on sleep timer.
*Oranges or apples?: oranges
*One pillow or two?: many!
*Deaf or blind?: from birth, i'd rather be deaf than blind, but if it was after i knew what it was like, then i'd rather be blind, cuz i could remember all the beautiful things
*Pools or hot tubs?: ooh, i like both, but if i had to choose to have one, prolly hot tub
*Blondes or brunettes?: i just saw erin's hair and it's the hottest thing, but i would love to do the total blonde thing one day
*TV or radio?: i watch more tv than i listen to the radiooo, usually it's just in my car, or cd's
*Beach or pool?: beach. beaches involve road trips.
*Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic tacs. orange ones.
*Snooze button or jump out of bed?: usually i hit the snooze so many times i have to jump out of bed to freaking get ready, so BOTH.
*Sports or news?: news, sports highlights are boring
*Indoors or outdoors?: both are better non-alone. i prefer outdoors in the summer and indoors in the winter.
*Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: christmas eve. it's like once it's christmas morning, it's all over. i like to feel excited still.
*Cake or ice cream?: how about better batter!?! it tastes like cake batter ice cream!!! GREATEST THING EVER
*Call or Write?: i like the sound of a person's voice...but i think hand written letters mean more.
*Peanut Butter or Jelly?: in a sandwhich, peanut butter. on like, a bagel...jelly. mmm, jelly.
*Bath or shower?: shower. it's more convenient.
*Rain or Snow?: rain...i love the sound of rain and the way it can look, but i hate the smell of dying worms. ugh.