Mar 01, 2007 16:11
Wow well the year started off great--until i get a call from dj and she informs me that some immature person is out there spreading lies about me! What? What kind of lies? About my life? They said I was "Adopted?" and messed up? Huh? Why? Obviously Jelousy Ha Ha Ahh well I guess this would be a good time to tell everyone about my life. here I Go:
I was born In 1984 In Loon Lake Saskatchewan, to Eunice Weasel and Bruce Hall.
Eunice was 28 when she gave birth to me, She lived in Loon Lake, Saskatchewan on the Makwa Sahgaichan Reservation with my father and my two older sisters and older brother. My mother was a Native of the reservation. Together they then had another son and twins. My mother had a drinking problem and soon my father was not going to put his children through that cycle so we moved in with my father's Mother and sister on an acreage. My mother continued to drop off presents and see us when she could. She past away at age 43 from poisoning.
Bruce Hall is my father, he is a hardworking caucasion who would sacrifice everything for his children's happiness. My dad removed us from my mothers home when I was 4 to go live with my aunt and grama because of my mother's drinking problem. My father remarried Julie in 1990 and we moved to the homestead. My father is the greatest man I know! He has the biggest heart I know, he has always helped out anyone who needed it. He is an amazing person! AND him and my stepmother are against drinking!!
I grew up in Barthel Saskatchewan, with 3 younger brothers and an older sister, And two older step-brothers. I loved the acreage/farm. We had goats, pigs, ducks, chickens, bunnies, dogs, cats etc. I love animals for that reason. I spent all my time outside with my brothers exploring the woods that surrounded our childhood home. Sometimes we would go and pick rocks for neighbors for jobs so that we could go to town to get treats. I was raised to work for a living and never to accept a handout--it's not deserving unless you earned it. And complaining doesn't get you anywhere.
At age 15 I started working as a nanny and enjoyed my job, I nannied triplets and a 6 yr old. I love kids so I enjoyed my job. The family loved me so much that they kinda added me into their family. I made a huge impression on their lives just as they did mine. And I am forever greatful. They became my second family.
I graduated from school in 2002 and went off to bible college, then I went attended the U of S where I took spring and summer classes--wow getting a full year of classes in that short of months-wow that was quick lol. and I finished another full year. I enjoyed all my time there, and enjoyed every minute of it, and made tons of friends. I went to school full time while holding down two-three jobs at a time. It was busy and fun!! I then took a year off and went back to Loon lake and got a full time job there.
I then started hanging out with Chris and we fell in love and started dating and then a yr later moved in together. Then our little rugrat was born and I started working fulltime again. I eventually started college again and we are planning to get married in September.
I beleive that everyone deserves what they get! What goes around comes around. So many people just sit around and complain, but everything happens for a reason. Make your life what you want it to be, Life is not "chance" - you create it! And friends are one in a million so always feel blessed to have friends. Noone can ever have to many. Also Don't judge someone who you don't know anything about!
I don't think I am the messed up one here, Whoever is going around spreading these lies--is the messed up one! This person knows nothing about me or my family and they are making things up to make theirself look better! Well You can only make yourself look better by being a better person, and by talking about other people and making up lies is just making themselves look like more of an idiot! Especially when they get caught in them! Why talk about someone else's life who you have no idea about and have no idea about the truth? Oh well I guess some people just thrive off of it and can't get over what they lost, and can't deal with not being able to get their own life under way. I feel sorry for this person, honestly they can't be happy. But maybe they have to learn that they have made their bed and they should just suck it up and lay in it! If you judge someone by someone else's view you are just as low as they are! Some people should learn to go to the source and ask what the truth is before they go accusing people of things--Lies are what is destroying our world!