Oct 04, 2004 13:06
i have a migrain so bad my jaw is clenched shut involuntarily. ugh.
had a pretty fun weekend, surprised the kids by showing up at their gold coast gig at the trocadero and danced like a git to them and the tremors, and ate way too many gobstoppers. got to spend time with lee and i cried myself to sleep again. i lovehimilovehiilovehim
got home at 2:12 in time for five hours sleep beofre work, bad mood sandi had a yell at manager about the loser new staff.
hope i gets fired!
had a great girly night with hoddy, and joshs sister came round with some of joshs mates so had a few drinks and hung out
what else, watched videos with lee- zoolander and fifty first dates and that was pretty fun too.
had a quiet but good weekend.
things arent stressing me so much now i have a long think about certain people and their behavior of late.
it occured to me, that with the threat of never being leifs friend, being in actuallity not that terible a thing, i guess im not so tired hanging on to something. if his pride is more important than his happiness i cant deal with it. i want him to b e happy and it pisses me off, i act like a dick, so i would rather move away than lose him for when he needs me. heknows that i dont like how vanessa treats him, and he knows i know he lets it happen because he is too terrified to tell her how he really feels incase he is left alone. better to be used by your girlfriend and act too cool than tell the truth that it hurts and look like some looser who cant keep up with the new promiscuos youth culture.
and today was so excited about going to uni at long las but i cant talk, and each time i move my head catches up about half a second later with a painful white falsh across my eyes. icky. icky.icky. so i woke up, went back to sleep, got up, fell asleep on the couch, pae was concerned, made me drink about nine million litres of water, and i fell asleep again, only just woke up recently. and i still feel terrible....