May 23, 2004 13:36
well i told Katy that i was going to go to the game with her cuz i had nothing better to do. but she never called so i didnt, and i didnt wanna go anyways cuz it was gonna be boring. so then Lauren calls me up and was like "hey u wanna hang out with me and Dana and we can call David and probably chyll with him" and i had nothing better to do and i wanted to see what this kid looked like. so then they came over and Megan and Tiffany called me and wanted to know if we wanted to chyll with them and Chris and Mark. so we went over there and Chris and Mark came over and we went down Golden Rod and they were like omg were gonna get shot blah blah blah. um hello this is Wellington. and Chris was like dont go down there, theres gonna be a mad fight or somethin like that. yea ookayy Chris w/e you say. but anyways they got the weed and before they were saying they were gonna get some good ass shit.. then when they got it, it was like nasty mids. yea and they made fun of my weed! okay! so then we went back to my house and they were braking it up and and then me and Dana were eatting the pringles then when we were done they made a bong outta it. lol so we went outside and was smoking passing the bong the bowl and a joint. i got pretty stoned. but yea we were in some guys backyard jus chyllen on his lawn lol. so then we went back to my house cuz Laurens friend David was coming. so then him and his friend Keith came and wow David was sooooo hot!! i give you props Lolo! but yea they were going back to some kids apartment and i was gonna go with them but i went inside to get Marks shit and my mom as still awake so i was like fuck it jus go. so they left then i chylled with Tiff Meg Chris and Mark for a bit then they left and i was tired so i went to bed lol. adn that was at like 1:30 then Miked called me at liek 3 but i was sleeping and i have noooo idea what i said to him lol oh well.. then Lauren called me at like 4:45 and said they were leaving now and to unlock my window so i did and they showed up at like 5 and it wa ssooooooo funny watching them get in the window!! haha Dana has such long legs she like knocked everything down and then like jus fell on the floor lol. then Lauren climbed in and she was like on her knees and jus liek slid forward and liek fucked up her knees. oww and i was sooo mad cuz my mom didnt walk in my room not once so she wouldnt have known i lefT! gr and Lauren didnt end up hooking up with David.. she hooked up with this other David.. and when they picked them up they were gonna go pick up these other girls and i bet if i was with them he wouldnt have hooked up with that other girl cuz Lauren said he was asking about me!! grr omg he was sooooo hottttt wow made me so mad lol but oh well but yea that night was fun i left some stuff out i know but that was like 3 days ago so idk .. k well bye! xo peace