(no subject)

May 22, 2005 21:20

today was lizs relative party. which means i was at her house from 2-8:45. gosh we played volleyball and her cousin whos like 5 was like reallly mean and he was like "hey mister kelsey blah blah" and "kelsey dorkestein" and stuff like that. and then he started being mean to him and i accidentally spiked a volleyball really hard in his face and he got pretty angry but he was mean to me first so o well. and then he got in kelseys face and hes like "well i oughta!" it was so funny. then we got the slingshot and we were slinging styrofoam balls but then we got waterballoons and mr williams said we had one shot to hit his car so i did it and somehow it flung back and smacked me in the face and i got all wet. it was pretty funny. i got like a teeny weeny tan and yeah we ate cake and cookies and other stuff. then i went to kelseys house and i found this book that says spanish in 20 lessons. and so i started reading. and now im gonnna teach you some spanish....

(if this stuff is wrong..yell at the book, not me )

no le gusta la carne de cerdo. <--do you not like pork?

le sientan bien los pantalones <--do the trousers fit you well?

necesita tambien ropa interior? <--do you need underwear also?

cuanto cuesta este sombrero de fieltro? <--how much does this felt hat cost?

si senior; y tambien necesito una faja y un justillo. <--yes, and i also need a girdle and a brassiere.

a mi traigame un poco de arroz con pollo y una botella de vino tinto. <--bring me some chicken with rice and a bottle of red wine.

son estas alfombras persas? <--are these persian rugs?

siento un gran dolor de cabeza y mareo. <--i have a violent headache and i feel dizzy.

ok im done now. buenos noches everyone. people better comment on my killer espanol skills.
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