Mar 30, 2005 12:01
name Chelsea Katherine Castleberry
age 14
birthdate- September 9, 1990
place of birth- Sinai Hospital in Detroit
time of birth- 8:30 am
country u live in- AmErIcA
best girl friend-prob.. KaYlA SkAgGs!!
their age- 14
best guy friend-umm prob keith
their age 14?or 15 not sure
funniest My one n only-Jenny J
friendliest Stace
Trustworthy Rachel
sportiest Chloe
weird but you love them anyways.* Nicole and Ash Z
outgoing jenny j again
pink or purple purple
no tv or no pc umm deff no tv
coke or pepsi pepsi
no arms or no legs arms i guess
lotr or harry potter Harry Potter man!!
horror or dramas horror
rock or roll ?huh
fly or sail ew, fly
apple or orange apple
no friends or no family no friends
galaxy or dairy milk galaxy
pirate arrrrrrr
ship boat
girl shoping
boy cute
power on top
hand fingers
tape sticky
phone answer
holiday christmas
halloween ghost/pumkins
friends bff neclace
snail ewww
monkey ow-ah-ah lol
class glasses
donkey mexico
shaz what?
polly pocket
rangers power rangers!
football boys
fave country umm USA
country youd like to live in australia would be cool-is that a country?
last place you went on holiday my grandmas, aunts, n aunts(easter)
countries you have visited just usa n flordia
country u live in the now usa n michigan
train or plane train! god i hate flying
car or train car!
boat or plane ...plane
colour purple
book One of those sad books where the mother dies
hot food Oatmeal!
cold food Ice cream
fruit Bananna
song Daughters-John Mayer
band/ singer umm, idk
kind of music country-pop-rap
occupation student
number 9
word / phrase FliPPin
room in house my room
thing????? TeDDy
actor Brad Pit! DuH
actress that girl from the notebook!
film(s) notebook!, Incredibles, Loony toons back in action
tv programmes Desperate house wifes, according to jim, extream home makeover
radio station 931 955...995
toy when you were a kid that bobble thing
nursery rhyme ( hey were all a kid at heart ) humpdy dumpdy
type of car convertable
colour of car red
vehicle a car?
family member my mom
animal dog-my sammy!
do you believe in anything, god, etc yes
your school Churchill HS
what type of pc do u have um, a crappy one!
do u use chat rooms nope
sisters n/a
brothers a gay one named curtis
ever read the hobbit b4 lol yes!
em.... hem
are u hungry no
what is 2 the left of u my bed
the right the wall
behind my blue ball!
in front the flippin pc what do u thinik!?
Lol, i was board, so today i think i mite be bowling n then having a sleepover w/ash z n nicole!! yay! yeah
Love u!
<33 Chels