So as most of you know I am a member of this small grass-roots organization called Semillas Project, We're raising money for a community in Cuisnahuat (Sonsonate), El Salvador.
Basically, here is a community that is very conscious of the negative impact that transnational corporations are having on a country's environment, its people and their sovereignty - specifically the agricultural transnational corporations like Monsanto.
The community has volunteered to try something different, to break free from this dependency. They will set up a non-profit seed bank where interested farmers of all shapes and sizes can buy natural and indigenous seeds only with the agreement that he/she brings back the post-harvest seeds so that the bank always has enough seeds to lend out. They will also set up a bee farm and work collectively to keep it going by selling the honey. The short-term goal is to get people aware of transnational companies and the dangers of using transgenic seeds by creating an alternative to being consumers for big, foreign companies and only working with the community-based independent and natural farmers that cultivate indigenous seeds, semillas criollas.
The long-term goal is this: wake people the fuck up, instill a sense of activism, pride and strong sense of community-collectiveness. Because there are struggles happening everywhere in and out of El Salvador and with successful grass-roots activism, you become infected with the feeling of invincibility; and that is needed for all other progressive struggles that are happening and that are coming.
Our group is only setting up the initial fee needed to begin this project in Cuisnahuat; the project will be ongoing and self-sufficient. This isn’t empty charity; this is the beginning steps of building an important and permanent movement.
So please help, all of you. Whether it's by sharing the link to the website (we're also on Facebook) or donating any amount to the website using Paypal (link is on the site).
Luis Albert Rivas
Mexican, Salvadoran, chingon, pendejo y cabrόn con corazόn!