Poll this poll is not fat-free. ps:
butterbeer whoopie pie recipe.
jersey is fun! on friday i went into nyc with my parents and brother. we walked around, went to these little ad hoc shops in bryant park where i bought my godson's christmas gift (a stuff dinosaur and a dinosaur puzzle) and had amazing hot chocolate and somehow managed not to buy myself ALL THE THINGS. i took a lot of business cards though.
then we managed to find this italian restaurant my mom and i stumbled upon last time we saw a show, which is impressive since all we remembered was that there were steps and it was probably within a block of carmine's. it was good. then we saw mary poppins. i was very underwhelmed. the first half was pretty boring, and the second half was only saved by "step in time" (which was a fantastic number). the guy playing burt was great, and i liked the girl playing mary, but the kids were not very good and the whole show lacked the whimsy/magic of the movie. PLUS the story was very convoluted. i've never read the book, so maybe it's more authentic to that, but eh. and i know they're not the same, etc etc, but mary poppins is a lot like willy wonka, in that the original is SO magical and perfect that i can't understand why we need another version. oh well. there was nothing else we really wanted to see anyway (although apparently paul gross is in something right now and mom found out harry connick jr. is in something the day after she bought these tickets. sadface.) and it wasn't really BAD.
saturday was my mom's birthday, so we went out to breakfast and then i baked her a cake. we stopped at the new liquor store they opened, which is (a) huge and (b) FULL OF CIDER. i was pretty excited. then we got pizza from the place up the street for dinner. i haven't been in there since before i moved, because we have a different favorite pizza place, but it was on the way home so we stopped. the old guy who owns the place has not changed at all since i was a kid, which is amazing.
anyway, she loved the scarf i made her. she actually yelled at me after i gave it to her because she thought i lied about making it myself, haha. i also gave her the damion suomi & the minor prophets cd, which she loved. dad wanted to know why they were ripping off mumford and sons, heh. my brothers got her a new laptop, so i hijacked it last night to test out the webcam. it is aces.
today we had a lazy day and made a chicken pot pie while i set up my mom's new computer and cleaned off my old desktop to give to my little cousins.
also fureigffe OF MONSTERS AND MEN. i cannot get enough. i think "king & lionheart" is my favorite.