Nov 15, 2011 21:53
Poll stories!
i'm having a lot of trouble nailing down the ending of this story i'm working on, and it's driving me a little crazy. the rest of the story came together so easily, and now i've got about 200 words left and i have no clue what i'm doing. i think the biggest problem is that the quote i've built the story around implies that there should be makeouts, but (a) these characters are supposed to have a lot of UST and that U is a big deal, and also (b) they are only seeing each other because character A is begging character B to save her bff's life. pausing for sexytimes would be awkward, you know? sigh. i refuse to be so close to finishing and fail though, so i'll stare at it and frown some more tomorrow.
(also, my parents just called me ten minutes ago to tell me we're going to new york on friday now instead of sunday. my mom is now extra-happy: she has tricked dad into taking us into the city on friday night, AND she knows i will not be hanging out in jersey city all alone. at least all the hand-wringing is finished? haha.)
fic: thoughts on,
books: weather warden,
life: la famille,