we started the epic buffy rewatch this week. i am a lot more excited than i thought i would be. it probably helps that we're being bitchy live on the internet and also that
theemdash and i both love buffy stupid amounts and yet have very different opinions on most everything so it's all up for debate.
and now i have joined the most ridiculous book club ever (
retcon_bookclub) for the torchwood novels AND bought tickets to see jenny owen youngs and jukebox the ghost and eve 6. and i'm trying to figure out where the fuck firestone thinks they can fit warped tour. it would be kind of hilarious and amazing if they did it like they do anti*pop, where all the venues down there serve as a different "stage" but i mean. warped is not a bunch of dorky folk singers.
this is the cruzan amphitheatre, where we saw the buzz bake sale thing last year and where warped will be this year. there's the covered seats and the lawn seats and the lots for auxilary stages. and then you have
firestone's lot. these are at the same zoom. even if firestone's "10,000 capacity amphitheatre" extends to the half an empty lot across the street (to the west) and the full empty lot to the south, i still don't see how this will work. who wants to park on i-4 and watch the clusterfuck in july?!
wait, what was i even talking about? how did i end up cackling at warped all night? i think it's time to watch sherlock holmes and go to bed.