1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
(she gave me H.)
meiko - how lucky we are: this is possibly my favorite song on her album. it belongs on my Common Threads playlist (which is where all the best music lives) (except i don't actually have a Common Threads playlist. i need to fix this.)
my chemical romance - headfirst for halos: i am absolutely in love with the energy in this song.
fall out boy - hand of god: which is it- the boy who writes the songs or the boy who's in them?
our lady peace - happiness and the fish: i can't hear this song (or anything on this album) without being transported back to when i was 16 and spending a stupid amount of time on a bus in europe with a bunch of crazy people ♥
fred lives - hey brother: saddest wrock song ever, Y/Y? (trufax: i almost cried at the last show cos it caught me off-guard.)
the fratellis - henrietta: i can't help but dance when i hear this.
regina spektor - hotel song: this is totes my favorite regina song, and i couldn't bear to delete it from the H playlist.
katilara Comment to this post and I will (try to) give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
Wee Giraffes: they are
just so CUTE! ::smishes their little faces::
Music: i could talk about music all day every day and bore the pants off of every single person in the world, i swear. i think the thing i love most about music is that it is pure magic to me. i have screwed around with music my whole life, and i am reasonably intelligent, but i honest-to-god have no idea how these sounds come together to make something that can make me feel so much. (thing i love second most: indie rock boys. IT'S A SICKNESS.)
The Cave of Wonders: one time at a party, i somehow convinced my bff to wear an abu hat (it was a little fez that belonged to a doll someone gave her) and pretend to fly around the apartment on a magic kitchen rug and sing a whole new world. this is what i think of whenever we refer to my apartment as the cave of wonders. (i also think about how if you touch my lamp my house will melt.)
Wizard Rock: nvfje here's the thing- these kids are not playing music so they can be famous or rich or surrounded by groupies. these kids are busting their asses to make music and tour the country because it's what they love to do. it is like dumping the indie scene in a brita filter! also, i absolutely love that they write music about BOOKS. sometimes i get really fed up with regular music because i don't give a shit about love, so it's good that people are writing songs that i can relate to.
Moats: I HAVE A MOAT!! it lets me pretend that i live in a castle like a real knight. also, i thought i heard raptors upstream a couple of weeks ago. it was pretty terrifying.
so, let me know if you want a letter or five things. and if for some reason there are other things you want me to ramble on about, let me know :P